נשות הספר | women of the book

Partners: Judith Margolis, 53 Jewish women artists (www.womenofthebook.org), Jerusalem Fine Art Print Studio, Jerusalem Atelier, 2007-Present  

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Women of the Book: Jewish Women Recording, REFlecting, RE-Visioning is an international collaboration of 54 Jewish women artists.  The select artworks, created on parchment - one for each weekly Torah portion - acknowledge the emergence of Jewish women artists as visionaries and creative interpreters of text. 

Women of the Book's impact is achieved as a fine art exhibition, limited edition prints and a book inspiring the lives of women, Jews and faith communities the world over. 

See the 54 works, meet the artists, purchase limited edition prints and more:




Women of the Book is indebted to the following individuals and organizations for their generous financial support:  Targum Shlishi, Sally Gottesman, Judy Zachs, Barbara Zeitler, The Hadassah-Brandeis Institute, , The Eugene and Estelle Ferkauf Foundation and many other individual donors.